Cited by 3
Asymptotic genealogies for a class of generalized Wright–Fisher models

Asymptotics of the frequency spectrum for general Dirichlet Ξ-coalescents
Adrián González Casanova, Verónica Miró Pina, Emmanuel Schertzer, Arno Siri-Jégousse
Journal:  Electronic Journal of Probability Volume 29, Issue none (2024)
Haldane’s formula in Cannings models: the case of moderately strong selection
Florin Boenkost, Adrián González Casanova, Cornelia Pokalyuk, Anton Wakolbinger
Journal:  Journal of Mathematical Biology Volume 83, Issue 6-7 (2021)
On multi-type Cannings models and multi-type exchangeable coalescents
Martin Möhle
Journal:  Theoretical Population Biology Volume 156 (2024), p. 103